Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Saturday Door to Door Schedule

This Saturday I plan on visiting my friends in Yalesville as the Re-Elect Sullivan for Council campaign rolls on. Saturday morning I will be walking Colonial Lane, Elmwood Drive, Parkview Road, and Forest Drive.

If time permits, I'll head down to North Whittlesey, Christian Street, North Orchard, Vaz, Meadow, and Williams Street.

Look forward to seeing you and listening to your concerns. Remember, you can always email me at

Enjoy the rest of your week!


Sunday, October 6, 2013

                                    LETS CELEBRATE WALLINGFORD
Being a Town Councilor is certainly an honor, but being a citizen of the town of Wallingford is just fantastic, especially during our local two day festival Celebrate Wallingford. Whether you came to town last month, last year, or have been a lifelong resident, the Celebrate Wallingford festival is the ultimate town party. 

On Saturday, I had the opportunity to work with a very dedicated team in pre-Celebrate setup. My friend and Wallingford Center Inc. Director Liz Landow once again did a fantastic job organizing and delivering on a very successful opening day.

As overcast weather gave way to a beautiful blue sky almost on que as the center of town filled with locals. Smiles were everywhere as our town provided a showcase of it's local services, community organizations, and businesses.

That's me and my dear friend and former Councilor Iris Papale in the photo. Sammy Carmody happened by and asked us to pose. I'm glad he did.

It's not always about politics on this site. Thats because Wallingford is so much more than politics. It's a town of people, generous kind caring people. 

One of the main themes of my campaign has been Values and Traditions. Celebrate Wallingford is one of those TRADITIONS, the people of Wallingford are the people I VALUE.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

See You at Celebrate Wallingford This Saturday

I hope to see you this Saturday at Celebrate Wallingford. The weather appears to be cooperating and the town is abuzz with activity in preparation. The festivities start off early on Friday night at 6:00 PM at the Center Street Cemetary as local actors portray founding fathers who are buried on this sacred ground. It's a great way to kick off the weekend and be a part of the traditions our town is known for.

Our friends from the Wallingford Wishing Well are holding a fundraiser on Friday evening at the Off Track Racing facility on North Colony Street next door to T-Bowl.  Come out and join me as I get behind the wheel of a Cart to support our local Union teams in a race to raise the most money.

On Saturday, don't miss the Celebrate Wallingford Festival on North and South Main Streets, Center Street, and at Fishbein park. This is a true tradition of a great New England town and continues through Sunday. It's not just about the food, the entertainment and the crafts, it's about coming together as a community with friends, neighbors, and new friends you have yet to meet.

I'll be there early setting up chairs for the entertainment and lending a hand doing whatever my friend Liz needs me to do. I hope I see you there as well.


Sue, Riley and I look forward to seeing you!!

Enjoy the rest of your week.


(Thanks to my friend Kimberly in North Carolina for picking up on the typos. I should know better than type without my glasses on :)